In the heart of the Mediterranean, overlooking the sea
Nido del Pellegrinois located in Favignana, one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean. Our wild resort stands on a seven-hectare promontory overlooking the sea, in front of the "Preveto" islet
In the heart of the Mediterranean Sea
Nido del Pellegrino is located in Favigana, one of the most beautiful islands in Europe. It faces the Marine Protected Area “Isole Egadi”, the largest of the Mediterranean Sea.
Overlooking the sea
The wild resort is situated on a promontory, in Contrada Grosso. It faces the sea, in front of the Preveto islet. From the promontory you can enjoy a wonderful landscape.
Private beach
The property has an own exclusive seaside area, equipped with platforms with sunbeds, showers and a stepladder which facilitates the access to the sea. It is reachable by a private path.
Close to the most beautiful beaches
Close to us there are some of the most beatiful beaches of Favigana: Calamoni, Marasolo, Cala del Passo, Spiaggia del Preveto, Cala Rotonda, Cala del Pozzo, etc.
Our surroundings
Go around on foot or by bike: the fishermen's village and Punta Lunga, “kiosko Marasolo”, bar “Fico d’india”, “Cibo, Chiacchiere e Vino”, “Alencio”, etc.
Discovering Egadi
You can stop in Favignana and visit the other two Egadi Islands: the smallest, Levanzo, and the wildest and farthest, Marettimo. We can organize daily trip and boat trip.
Contrada Grosso, 91023 Favignana (Trapani)
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mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa
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